How to Learn SQL?

Here we are, another SQL query to write. You wish you knew how to write that mechanically, like you would a loop in your favorite programming language. Or at least have a pretty clear idea of a skeleton to tweak until it gives the result set you expect. So instead of working on your SQL query, you google How to write a SQL query? or maybe even How to learn SQL? Right. I feel you, I’ve been there too, even if quite some time ago…

So here my article where I teach you how to learn SQL.

I want to share with you how I did it, and how I continue to do it. There’s no magic secret sauce to it though, it’s all basic work. Again, we have to learn the main concepts and how they play together, then practice simple steps, and then build from there.

You did the same thing already, several times, I’m sure. You know how to write code in one or several of Python, Java, Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Go, JavaScript, Rust, or even some other languages. You mastered just enough of spreadsheet formulas to know the difference of a relative and an absolute cell address, remember how to do the classic sums and simple formulaes. Maybe you even played with more esoteric languages such as J, or R. Or know how to render nice graphics with either MatPlotlib or maybe d3js.

In short, you’ve been learning advanced tricks in other environments before. So what makes SQL so special that you barely remember SELECT * FROM table WHERE ... and find JOINs and GROUP BY hard to remember about?

In my case, what took some time to make sense for me where the bits the SQL language is built on, its foundations. What are the foundations of SQL?

1. At the heart of SQL there’s the notion of a relation

2. SQL is a declarative programming language

Those two statements have very practical consequences. Until you understand what a SQL relation is everything is going to be complex. Until you understand that SQL is declarative, the time you spend writing queries is going to be a fight. Not a pretty one, mind you.

So here I want to spend some time diving into both topics. Let’s even begin with the declarative language parts. This is the fundamental you need to understand.

SQL is a declarative programming language

I have been taught imperative programming, and then teachers would go on with object oriented concepts. Arguing that it allows for a much better code organisation and re-use. Then I was introduced to functional programming, which avoids side effects and prone very small functions with very descriptive names. I liked that a lot!

I found later that you can make a mess of your code base with any paradigm really.

So what is declarative programming? It’s a paradigm where you declare what you expect. In the case of SQL, your job is to declare the result set you expect, in terms that are relevant to the result of the query.

At the heart of SQL there’s the notion of a relation

And the result of the query is going to be a relation. A relation is a collection of objects that all have the same list of attributes, each with its own domain. Or data type, as we say nowadays.

A tuple is a t-uple. When t = 2 that’s a couple. When t = 3 that’s a triple. When t = 4 that’s a quadruple. When t = 5 that’s a quintuple. When you don’t know the number of attributes the abstract relation you talk about in a teaching article that is broad and general, then you say t, and then it’s a tuple.

\set start '2017-02-01'

  select date,
         to_char(shares, '99G999G999G999') as shares,
         to_char(trades, '99G999G999') as trades,
         to_char(dollars, 'L99G999G999G999') as dollars
    from factbook
   where date >= date :'start'
     and date  < date :'start' + interval '1 month'
order by date;

So this query builds a relation of quadruples (date date, shares text, trades text, dollars text). Each row of the result set has 4 columns. The first one has the name date and is of type date, because that is the data type of the attribute in the base relation factbook. The second attribute is named shares and its attribute domain (data type) is text, because that’s the return type of the function to_char. Etc. You got it, of course.

Say it in English

Now, we said that SQL is declarative, and that a SQL query is declaring the result set that is expected from executing it. In other words, a SQL query defines a relation: a collection of objects sharing the same properties, a collection of tuples.

The previous query defines the relation that contains all the known activity from our books in a given month period starting at start, in date order, such as the activity is defined by its date, the pretty printed number of shares exchanged that day, the pretty printed number of trades exchanged that day, and the pretty printed number of dollars printed that day.

The sentence you just read is the English version of the SQL query in the previous paragrah. Read it again. It defines the result set we expect from running the query. It does not say how to find the data, it declares the result.

From this declaration, the SQL engine has to find the data and filter it and massage it in a way that returns exactly what you ask for.

A model of SQL execution engine

When I used to be a PostgreSQL consultant, I have done quite a bit of training. There was this guy who didn’t understand SQL. At all. It was all magic to him. Until I began our chapter about explain plans. Then he said “I know that, that’s like AS400 assembly! Now I understand everything!”

Well, maybe you’re like this trainee and will find it better to understand SQL from having a look at the query plan.

EXPLAIN (costs off) select
 Index Scan using factbook_date_idx on factbook
   Index Cond: ((date >= '2017-02-01'::date)
            AND (date < '2017-03-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))

With this particular query, PostgreSQL chooses to use an index scan to find the data in our date range of interest. That’s because the index also returns the data in the order we declared for the result set, so PostgreSQL does not even have to sort it! Smart.

What if we want the result set relation to be sorted by number of dollars, with the greater numbers first?

explain (costs off, verbose)

  select date,
         to_char(shares, '99G999G999G999') as shares,
         to_char(trades, '99G999G999') as trades,
         to_char(dollars, 'L99G999G999G999') as dollars
    from factbook
   where date >= date :'start'
     and date  < date :'start' + interval '1 month'
order by dollars desc;

   Output: date,
           (to_char(shares, '99G999G999G999'::text)), 
           (to_char(trades, '99G999G999'::text)), 
           (to_char(dollars, 'L99G999G999G999'::text))
   Sort Key: (to_char(factbook.dollars, 'L99G999G999G999'::text)) DESC
   ->  Index Scan using factbook_date_idx on public.factbook
         Output: date,
                 to_char(shares, '99G999G999G999'::text), 
                 to_char(trades, '99G999G999'::text), 
                 to_char(dollars, 'L99G999G999G999'::text)
         Index Cond: ((factbook.date >= '2017-02-01'::date)
                  AND (factbook.date < '2017-03-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
(6 rows)

This time the execution plan is quite different. The index is still good for implement the WHERE clause filtering. As we want the rows in a different ordering though, PostgreSQL implements a sort node on-top of the relation obtained by scanning the index. This sort node output is another relation, which happens to match the definition we gave, so that’s it.

In this execution plan you can see that PostgreSQL first does an index scan on the factbook relation to implement the WHERE clause of our query. Then it implements a Sort node on that intermediate relation to implement the ORDER BY clause of our query.

The SELECT clause, also named the projection, has been evaluated right from the begining this time, because it’s such a simple query.

It’s relations all the way down. Internally PostgreSQL calls then tuple store when passing the result sets from bottom plan nodes to their upper nodes.

Thinking in SQL

When you write a SQL query, you declare the result set you want to obtain. A result set is just another relation. SQL manipulates relations with different kinds of operators: append, sort, filter, project, group, aggregate, merge, etc.

The projection applies some computations on top of the raw data that you have. The filtering keeps or rejects entries in the relation that the current node is building. The sorting, well sorts the current relation in a given order. Etc.

All pretty simple really. The power of SQL lies in composing relations together until you obtain exactly the final relation that contains exactly what you need.

A good exercise for being able to write a SQL query is to first describe the result set you expect from it using a single sentence in your own language. It’s easier in your native language of course, so for complex queries I will switch from English to French. Don’t worry, I will decipher it back to English as soon as I make sense of what I’m trying to achieve!

Sharpen The Saw

You now have the basics to understand SQL. What’s next? Well, same as always. How do you get comfortable at something new? Practicing is how you do it. You begin with simple things, and then add some more.

Now that you master the very basics of SQL, it might be time to revisit SQL aggregates and the GROUP BY clause. While there, you might want to have a look at GROUPING SETS. Very powerful construct.

The next step might be the HAVING clause, this one is easy to understand and useful in many cases. It’s a filter that applies to each group you are building with the GROUP BY clause, because your declaration is not always interested in every group found in your data set.

Once you have played around with those concepts, a good next step is to get back to master JOINs. All of them, INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN. CROSS JOIN and NATURAL JOIN. LATERAL JOIN too. That’s more advanced, and it relieves a limitation found in the other joins. Make sure you understand the limitation, and LATERAL JOIN will have no secret for you. I’ll write more about them here, in time, of course.

A good step after that would be Common Table Expressions, or CTE. A very easy concept that allows to write SQL queries as pipelines. Beware of the more complex variant, the RECURSIVE CTE.

Now you can have a look at WINDOW FUNCTIONS too. There’s SQL before window functions, and SQL after window functions. That’s how powerful those are. Few constructs in SQL are such a game changer, so you need to make sure you understand how to use them. Life changer.

Practice, practice, practice

You get the idea now. SQL is hard to master, and even more so if you miss the first steps. I got you here. You need to make sure you understand the notion of a relation first. And that your job when writing a SQL query is to declare the final relation you want to retrieve the data from. Define the realtion, watch PostgreSQL do the rest for you.

To define a relation, SQL provides you with a lots of tools (clauses) that you can compose in advanced ways. Begin with simple things, and build from there.

I don’t mean just in general. I mean for every single query you have to write, begin with a relation that you can refine until you get exactly the result set of your dreams. Or the one the Marketing department asked you to provide, anyways.

Two queries a day keeps the doctor away, or something like that. Just find an occasion to write a couple queries a day. That will help you understand your database a lot better, and will do wonders to your SQL skills.

Of course, some people need more that those abstract advice. They need examples that have been carefully curated to help learn SQL, and they need examples of result declarations in English and then in SQL, and to see the result, and then to copy/paste the query example and run it themselves and tweak it and read the EXPLAIN plan for it.

You’re covered. I wrote a book with exactly that content. You’re on the website for the book. Either get the sample by giving me your email below, or just go buy The Art of PostgreSQL at the home page!

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