The Art of PostgreSQL, one article at a time

The Art of PostgreSQL blog introduces PostgreSQL concepts that are useful for application developers. The content of this blog is either extracted from the published book, or written in preparation for book material. Reading this blog, you can enjoy The Art of PostgreSQL content one piece at a time!

Remember to practice what you learn here and elsewhere!


Why Postgres?

That’s a very popular question to ask these days, it seems. The quick answer is easy and is the slogan of PostgreSQL, as seen on the community website for it: “PostgreSQL: The World’s Most Advanced Open Source Relational Database”. What does that mean for you, the developer?

In my recent article The Art of PostgreSQL: The Transcript, part I you will read why I think it’s interesting to use Postgres in your application’s stack. My conference talk addresses the main area where I think many people get it wrong: